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29/6 & 30/6 – completing June

Within one week there was no sign of Sporadic E in Central Finland, but still in the end of second ”summer” month we got two nice openings. First one to Balkan and Italy (Foggia for the first time in my earphones). Later very common direction: Bavaria/Bohemia/Austria. Another night offered a nice surprise: short skip to Northern Germany and the Netherlands – and very short to Denmark! In the very beginning I heard Danish too, while my colleagues JJH and JSU were receiving Sveriges Radio from Malmö and Hörby! However I identified the first two Danish stations just in the end of conditions. Now, thinking about it later, it is obvious that several musical stations on lower band must have been Danish aswell, because the German stations on the lower band are mostly ”talk radios”, as we know. Radio ABC from Randers – already QSLed – is my new unrecord – shortest ES skip 1084 km! Visually it looked like this (followed by the written log):


2013-06-25 MS 1607 87.80 POL PR 3, Żagań/Wichów (LU) 1335 30 h
2013-06-29 Es 1624 88.90 SRB Radio Index, Beograd/Torlak (Srb) PS:_INDEX__ 2001 3 v
2013-06-29 Es 1632 89.60 BUL BNR Horizont, Koriten (dob) No ID, PX Вива ла музика 2071 1.5
2013-06-29 Es 1640 92.20 BUL BNR Hristo Botev, RRTS Botev vrah (pld) HR.BOTEV 2200 117.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1644 90.40 ROU Realitatea FM, Sibiu/Păltiniş (SB) PS:_RLT_FM_ 1877 0.1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1657 92.70 HRV HRT-HR 1, Murter/Raduč (si) 2174 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1658 93.10 BIH BN Radio, Majevica/Busija (brc) 2039
2013-06-29 Es 1700 93.60 BIH Radio OSM, Sarajevo/Trebević (sar) No ID, spot for Pale 2126
2013-06-29 Es 1703 96.00 I Radio Mater, Castelnuovo della Daunia (fg) PS:R._MATER 2424 v
2013-06-29 Es 1704 98.40 I Radio Budrio, Brisighella/Via Rontana (ra) PS:BUDRIO 2216 2.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1713 96.40 I RMC – Radio Monte Carlo, Montescudo/Monte Godio (rn) 2228 1.5 v
2013-06-29 Es 1715 95.80 I Virgin Radio, Segusino/Monte Pianar (tv) Or other tx. 2034 v
2013-06-29 Es 1716 98.00 I Radio Subasio Marche, Fabriano/Poggio San Romualdo (an) 2276 2 v
2013-06-29 Es 1725 98.60 I Radio Deejay, Avio/Malga Riondera (tn) 2079 v
2013-06-29 Es 1726 96.00 I R101, Chianciano Terme/Monte Pereta (si) 101 mentioned x2 2338 v
2013-06-29 Es 1732 87.50 I Radio Subasio, Fermo/Capodarco (fm) 2279 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1734 89.00 I Radio Kiss Kiss, Sulzano (bs) 2109 v
2013-06-29 Es 1736 89.60 HRV Radio Centar Studio Poreč. No ID, IT & HRV songs 2068 7 h
2013-06-29 Es 1741 88.50 HRV Gradski Radio, Golaš (pa) Should be Soundset Istra? 2076 v
2013-06-29 Es 1747 98.30 I PaneBurroMarmellata, Serramazzoni (mo) PS:PANEBURR 2213 v
2013-06-29 Es 1748 99.60 I Radio 105 Network, Borgo Val di Taro (pr) Or other tx. 2243 v
2013-06-29 Es 1756 88.80 I Radio Deejay, Cesena/Monte Cavallo (fc) 2222 v
2013-06-29 Es 1802 90.10 I Radio 105 Network, Modigliana (fc) Qst è il px che non piace 2223 v
2013-06-29 Es 1803 91.50 HNG Kék Duna Rádió, Győr – Szabad hegy (Gyo) 1720 1 v
2013-06-29 Es 1804 93.00 I Radio Gamma, Castel San Pietro Terme (bo) NoID, local spots 2209 v
2013-06-29 Es 1813 92.20 D MDR 1 Radio Sachsen, Dresden-Wachwitz (sac) 1453 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1815 92.10 D Bayern 1, Brotjacklriegel (bay) PS:Bayern_1 1698 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1815 89.50 D Bayern 2, Wendelstein (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1846 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1819 92.20 CZE Country Radio, Příbram/ul. Drkolnovská 286 (ST) 1588 0.2 v
2013-06-29 Es 1823 99.00 AUT Hitradio Ö3, Salzburg 1/Gaisberg (ORS) (sal) 1805 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1828 96.50 D Bayern 2, Brotjacklriegel (bay) PS:Bayern_2 1698 100 h
2013-06-29 Es 1947 89.50 ROU Itsy Bitsy, Tulcea (TL) 1939 5 h
2013-06-30 Es 1552 89.30 D hr3, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) PS:__hr3___ 1708 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1558 93.00 D BFBS Radio 1, Braunschweig/Drachenberg (nds) 1436 80 h
2013-06-30 Es 1603 95.80 D WDR 5, Ederkopf (nrw) PI:D395 PS:WDR_5___ 1650 20 h
2013-06-30 Es 1612 88.40 D Radio WMW, Bocholt/Hohenstaufenstr. (nrw) 1630 1 h
2013-06-30 Es 1613 88.80 D WDR 5, Langenberg/Hordtberg (nrw) PS:WDR_5___ 1653 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1623 88.20 HOL Radio 2, Roermond/Alticom Toren (lim) PS:RADIO_2_ 1715 100 v
2013-06-30 Es 1652 89.70 G BBC Radio 2, Tacolneston (EN-NFK) PS:BBC_R2__ 1810 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1652 89.10 G BBC Radio 2, Wrotham (EN-KNT) PS:BBC_R2__ 1948 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1653 91.30 G BBC Radio 3, Wrotham (EN-KNT) PS:BBC_R3_ Over local! 1948 250 m
2013-06-30 Es 1701 90.30 HOL Radio Lelystad, Lelystad (fle) PS:ADVER- 1617 0.398 v
2013-06-30 Es 1703 90.20 D MDR JUMP, Inselsberg (thü) PS:MDR_JUMP 1578 100 h
2013-06-30 Es 1717 88.00 HOL Radio 2, Smilde/Alticom Toren (dre) PS:RADIO_2_ 1545 93.3 v
2013-06-30 Es 1719 89.50 DNK R.ABC, Gjerlev J – Hald/kærbyvej 1 (mjy) 1084 3 c
2013-06-30 Es 1722 87.80 DNK Nova FM, Ølgod/Baunshøj (sdk-sjy) PS:NOVA_fm_ 1211 10 h

Audio of several stations can be heard by clicking the station name – as requested!

Tune in June

As a compilation of this June, I wouldn’t say this was the best June ever, but maybe the second best. I still remember June 2010 with fantastic whole day conditions in the beginning of month followed by several big days. But to be honest, May and July of 2010 were offering nothing to remember. From this point of view season 2013 could be nominated maybe one of the best summers ever,  IF the conditions will continue similar in July. We got awaited classical openings to Germany and Italy, but also some openings to interesting new ”black” areas that were totally new for me. From the beginning of August till the mid September I’ll be outside Finland, so the autumn doesn’t make the difference.

Highlights in June 2013 – Top4

1) Double hops to Eastern Mediterranean 17/6/2013

2) Short skip to Denmark 30/6/2013 (last time heard by me in 14/6/2006)

3) Lot of private stations from France (normally TDF – nothing more). This could have something to do with cutted trees:

4) Nice stabile signals on lower band from Brasov – new city for me! (19/6/2013)

For our Finnish speaking readers (and those who like to use Google Translate) I would consider the great compilation made by JVA from Oulu, halfway to Lapland:

For everyone, please look at June visually:





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