Based on cycle theory, I expected this week to be pretty much silent which seemed to be true, so I decided to dedicate this week for work. Only an OIRT opening broke total silence on June 14, which I spent in work aswell. Probably it was not a big success from the point of view in Inner Finland, as it was mainly West-East QSO – based on Visual Log Book that day. Strongly expecting next opening to be around 24 June +- few days.
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
89.30 1233 D hr3, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 1709km (meteor)
89.30 1359 D Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Hof/Großer Waldstein (bay) 1604km (meteor)
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
88.70 1359 D Bayern 2, Grünten (Allgäu) (bay) 1911km (meteor)
QSLs this week:
796. POR: Rádio Comercial, Lamego (vis) -tx 88.7 04062018 (1440) em
797. UKR: Hromadske Radio, Volnovaha-tx 66.05 09062018 (1441) em
—. G: Heart Peterborough 102.7 04062018 em korvaa Heart-ketjun
798. CZE: Radio Čas Rock, Godula-tx in Beskydy mountains 89,5 10052018 (1442) em
799. TUR: Türkiye Polis Radyosu 89.3 22052018 (1443) fb
Hyvä Jan-Mikael Nurmela, kuulemasi radiolähetys on totta. Turkista, yleisradio Ankara, Turkey’ve kuunteli poliisin radio. Työskentelen tällä radiolla. Nimi on Nurhayat ÜNLÜ. Suomi on kaunis maa …Poliisi Radio terveisiä Turkista Suomessa.
Dear Jan-Mikael Nurmela, the radio broadcast you heard is true. From Turkey, broadcasting from Ankara, Turkey’ve listened to the Police Radio. I work on this radio. Name is Nurhayat ÜNLÜ. Finland is a beautiful country …
Police Radio greetings from Turkey to Finland.
800. HRV Krugoval Garešnica 93.1 09062018 (1444) em
801. G: Heart Bristol 96.3 04062018 (1445) em
802. ROU: Kolozsvári Rádio 98.8 10052018 (lienee sama kuin rankin Radio Cluj) fb
Kedves Jan-Mikael, meg tudjuk erősíteni, hogy a mi adásunkat fogtad be. Amennyiben kíváncsi vagy a műsorainkra, elérhetők vagyunk online is, a címen. Kívánunk minden jót.
803. BLR: Radio Mogiljev 67.25 17052018 (1446) vk: Jelena Bublikova
Здравствуйте, Майкл! Подтверждаю: это Радио Могилев, Беларусь.