Ti 31.03.2020
1949 1377 kHz TZA: Radio Free Africa, Mwanza. TNX PSO!
2056 594 kHz I: IRRS via Challenger Radio, Villa Estense PD
Tanzania replied later on Friday afternoon bringing verified MW country #80. LW included it would be #82.
To 02.04.2020
0139 1161 G: Tay 2 Dundee/Greenside Scalpern
0143 1161 G: Greatest Hits Radio Goxhill/Neatgangs Lane
0146 882 G: BBC Radio Wales 882 Tywyn, Tywyn
0159 1494 IRL: Coast FM Tenerife, Sligo
0324 1017 G: Absolute Classic Rock, Shrewsbury
It has been snowing all week long – so spring is delayed. Maybe it is because of climate change, but four seasons seem to be delayed for past few years – or better say two of them are cancelled. Nowadays there is no spring for 3 months, we just go from fresh long lasting winter to full early hot summer in couple of weeks. Same with autumn, the warm summer-like weather continues longer than before and it may be switched in only 2 weeks to icy landscape.
La 04.04.2020
0419 1584 ROU: Radio Vocea Speranței. 4 transmitters each 1 kW.
0501 5975 AUT: NHK, Moosbrunn. News about flight companies, Japanese music program.