Back to the basics, the contest seems to be successful, several stations organized special transmissions for Global HF Weekend and Pirate Hunt 2018, both (accidently and luckily) held during the very same Easter weekend. From the Finnish point of view the propagation seemed to be very fine. The online results will be updated here and there is time till April 30, 2018 to send in your logs.
This week’s DXing results:
6285 1745 IRL: Coast FM
6200 -2206 HOL: Radio de Technisce Man
1645 2206 HOL: Bluebird Radio, ”from North East Groningen”
6210 2330 IRL: Laser Hot Hits
7505 1000 USA: tent. WRNO Worldwide, New Orleans LA. Testing, tnx for info MR!
279 1903 TKM: Watan Radio. Clear ID at 2000 but not more at 2100.
7505 0651 USA: WRNO Worldwide, New Orleans LA. Call ID at 0707. RTTY QRM 0715 UTC-
1242 2000 J: JOLF, Tokyo. ”Nippon Hoso”
1242 1729 OMN: Radio Sultanate of Oman.
3900 1915 BRL(?): Radio Borderhunter
6217U 1954 G: Radio Oleg ”Radio Oleg 6-2-1-7”
6320 1750 HOL: Radio Joey. S9+20 dB.
6310 1905 HOL: Radio 102. Max s9.
6375 1945 IRL: Radio Harmony
3460 2107 F(?): UNID music pirate. LSB mode.
Recent QSLs:
#1266 BC station QSL: Radio Company Easy 98.7 MHz heard 01092017 never actually replied, but published report in Internet.
#1267 BC station QSL: Amica Radio Italia 1206 kHz has no e-mail but I managed to get a brief ”thank you” in WhatsApp after short chat.
#241 Free radio QSL: Radio Harmony from Ireland 6375 kHz
Free radio QSL: Key Channel Radio from Italy 6915/6920 kHz
#242 Free radio QSL: Keizer en Keizerin from the Netherlands 1645 kHz
#1268 BC station QSL: Vatan Radio, Asgabat 279 kHz brings also verified DX country #147!
New BC station QSL: JMK Ralliradio 98.5 MHz from Jämsä, approximately 70 km from here. It has licensed power as 25 watts.
#243 Free radio QSL: Radyo Oleg 6217 USB from somewhere in Ireland