Traditional Utö FM-DX-pedition (Utö 16) started yesterday evening in little distant Utö-island in SW Finland. For the next 10 days 8 FM-DXers are hunting stations 24/7.
You can follow our FM-conditions (ionos/tropos) in Utö FM-DX-blog. It is updated daily.
We have 2x Körner 15.11 (H and V) and 6-elements yagi for OIRT. For the first time we have low noise FM Preamp Type 1301 88-230 MHz (Research Communication Ltd / UK) in use and the first impression is good.
We have here all kind SDR-receivers connected to computers – and over 20 Sony XDR-receivers with GTK/StationList-features.
The crew wish ionospheric weather to be very cloudy but stratospheric not… (the start was opposite)
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