Pirate hunt ”Pongaa Piraatti Pääsiäisenä” 2017 will be held during Easter 2017 (celebrated in Finland on April 14th – 16th). We try to keep rules simple:
- log as many PIRATE station as possible between April 14th 0000 UTC and April 16th 2359 UTC
- all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
- ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
- post your full logs on forum (http://bbs.fmdx.online/index.php?topic=436.0), FMDX.tk Facebook group or by e-mail staff @ radioaktiiviset.info, during or after the contest (but until April 30th, 2017)
- participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
- results will be published in May
Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2017 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)
A warm welcome!
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