Oct 2
1620 6320 HOL: Telstar Radio International
1625 6285 HOL: Zender Akenzo. s9+10 dB.
1645 6300 UNID. Jingles ”Nonstop music”. Playlist: Delilah, Popcorn. s9+
1709 7580 I: Radio Latino, Central Italy.
1715 6340 UNID playing Gazebo: I like Chopin and Alphaville: Forever Young
1808 6318 UNID playing Queen: I want to break free
Oct 5
0439 549 IRL: Spirit Radio.
Oct 6
0455 837 E: COPE Sevilla. ”91.4 y 99.6 fm, en onda media 837, COPE Sevilla”
1735 1305 E: RNE5 Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real. ”Radio Cinco, Castilla La Mancha”
Oct 8
1623 6290 HOL: tent. Johnny Tobacco. No ID but Jope Ruonansuu with S9+20 dB = ”ID”.
Oct 9
1720 6317 G: Rock Radio Network. Probably from the UK. Fluent English DJ’s.
1725 6205 HOL: Technische Man, Ruurlo. Announcing the phone number also in French
1754 6295 IRL: Reflections Europe.
1820 6265 HOL: Zender Akenzo S9+20 dB
-1840 6215 HOL: Radio Carbonade. Request songs Jope and Paranoid. From tobacco factory.
1915 6320 HOL: tent. Radio Quadzilla. Nonstop 80’s rock show.
Oct 11
0450 72.17 RUS: Radio Rossii Kareliya, Muyezerskiy -tx.
0700 103.9 S: SR P4 Västerbotten, Skellefteå. Also 100.0, 96.3.
1328 104.3 S: Mix Megapol 105.2 Norra Norrland. Kalix -tx.
1340 103.8 FIN: tentative YLE Sámi Radio, Kolari. 567 km. No ID, but px in Sami language.
1350 104.6 S: Rix FM 105.6 Luleå, Älvsbyn -tx. ID as Rix FM only, regional wx & spots.
1405 103.2 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Överkalix. Also 91.7 and 99.0 from here.
1405 102.2 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Kalix. Also 91.3, 93.6, 97.9 from this tx.
1405 102.9 S: SR P4 Norrbotten, Älvsbyn. //102.2, 103.2. No ID. Also 90.6, 94.5 and 99.4.
14xx 100.4 S: tentative SR P4 Norrbotten, Vuollerim. 150 W / 495 km. Only ”language ID”.
Also many other SR transmitters noted, but not ided or logged.
Oct 12
1437 101.0 S: SR P4 Dalarna, Mora. I have been thinking this is impossible because of Radio Aalto, Jyväskylä -tx (34 km). But today it came with strong signal.
1518 100.7 S: SR P4 Gävleborg, Hudiksvall.
1520 101.2 S: SR P4 Västernorrland, Sollefteå.
1520 100.1 S: SR P4 Västernorrland, Örnsköldsvik. No ID // 101.2.
Also many other high power SR P1-3 transmitters were audible, from Skellefteå to Hudiksvall.
Oct 13
0143 107.0 S: NRJ Hälsingland, Hudiksvall. ”NRJ Hälsingland 107.0”
0435 106.3 S: Vinyl FM Dalarna, Mora. Regional commercials 0445-0450
0908 104.0 LVA: Latvijas Radio 1, Valmiera-tx. ”Latvijas Radio” -ID
1710 91.5 LVA: Latvijas Radio 2, Riga. ”Latvijas Radio Divi”
1719 105.2 LVA: tent. Radio SWH, Riga. Commercials in Latvian.
1725 107.7 LVA: Latvijas Radio 4, Riga. ”Latvijska Radio Chetyre” -ID
1745 95.7 POL: tent. PR 1, Gdansk-tx. Programme in Polish, no ID.
1830 105.3 LTU: tent. LRT Klasika, Klaipeda-tx. Classical music only, must be this one.
Oct 19
0446 711 E: COPE Murcia.
0452 549 ALG: Jil FM.
Oct 20
0456 1134 E: COPE Salamanca. ID at first. Jerez dominated rest of the break.
0510 666 G: BBC Radio York.
0513 765 G: BBC Essex
Oct 22
0517 1431 G: Smooth Radio. Network ID only.
0528 765 G: BBC Essex
1519 6305 D: Radio Marabu.
1537 3930 HOL: Zender Kachelboer / Stove Farmer. New station with this name (ex. Bluestar)
1623 6240 HOL: tent Radio Python.
2218 1044 E: SER Radio San Sebastián.
2219 1521 E: SER Radio Castellón. Multiple ID’s. Saturday night break at 2218 UTC.
2259 1584 E: SER Radio Gandia. Too weak for audio report.
Oct 23
1608 6385 HOL: Radio Zender Zodiac. ”broadcasting from Central part of the NL, nearly 100 W”
1700 5050 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio.
1714 6285 HOL: Zender Akenzo.
1720 6322 HOL: tent. Radio Joey. Jingleistä ei saanut mitään tolkkua, chatin mukaan Joey.
1727 6240 CZE: Radio Caroline International / Radio Goofy.
1730 3905 HOL: Radio Station Relmus from the North of the Netherlands.
1745 6205 IRL(?): Coast FM.
1825 3905 HOL: Kachelboer.
Oct 24
0427 1269 E: COPE Badajoz. Dominant in my QTH.
0427 1296 E: COPE Valencia.
0450 1026 E: SER Andalucia. Jaen or Jerez. Regional at this time.
Oct 26
0455 1161 G: Viking 2, Hull
0500 1485 G: BBC Radio Humberside
0523 1026 G: BBC Radio Cambridgeshire
0525 747 E: RNE Andalucia, Cadiz
Oct 27
0448 1134 E: COPE Jerez Radio Occidental
0500 918 E: tent. Radio Intereconomia. No ID.
0512 774 G: BBC Radio Kent.
0525 747 E: RNE Andalucia, Cadiz.
Oct 30
0525 1071 CZE: CRo Plus. Surprisingly Czech here – earlier using shared tx’s with CRo2, now own tx’s!
0533 1071 G: TalkSPORT, Newcastle/Clipstone.
0559 738 RUS: Vsemyrniya Radioset, Moscow.
0601 828 RUS: Radiogazeta Slovo, St. Petersburg.
0602 882 G: BBC Radio Wales.
0605 999 I: RAI 1, Volpiano-tx.
0612 1107 D: AFN The Eagle. Still here, should have stopped broadcasting on this FQ.
0620 981 CZE: Radio Cesky Impuls.
0624 891 HOL: Radio 538, Hulsberg. Informative recording of closure of their service on this frequency.
Oct 31
0500 1017 G: Free Radio 80’s
1550 6100 AFG: Radio Afghanistan, Kabul.