As the title says, today MUF was not very high. In the morning I had to decide if I went to work today, or leave it tomorrow. At 06 UTC got news from Southern Finland: TUR. At first it seemed an error to stay at home, but in the end who knows of tomorrow which could be even worse. For our Finnish-speaking readers: Parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla. MUF was all the time promising, and even rising close to 100 MHz couple of times. Today’s highlight was the good reception of Radio Crne Gore from Montenegro, which is new-for-me heard radio country. Against Murphy’s law there was a jingle ID over the endless beat. Montenegro has been on my catch list since Janne heard this pretty rare country! So tomorrow I have to go to the museum and the late night France today indicates something for tomorrow too. Let’s see what will be coming! I will complain only if I would lose Andorra, Azores or Azerbaidjan! 😉
Here are some notes from my logbook:
0701 UTC 88.7 TUR
0712 UTC 89.7 ROU
0740 UTC 87.8 Quran. TUR?
0800 UTC 89.3 BIH? & ROU
0810 UTC 89.5 HNG, 90.3 Balkan, 87.8/89.7 CZE
0825 UTC 88.6 Delta Uno over YLE 1 Pihtipudas
0829 UTC 89.0 KISSKISS & RUS!
0917-0923 UTC Low band Crimea 88.5 89.0 89.2 89.5 90.4
1015 UTC 88.7 Balkan music
1019 UTC 88.9 RADIO S2
1021 UTC 92.1 Ljubic(?) Radio
1034 UTC 95.7=95.8. Radio AS FM?
1035 UTC 94.5 SRB Pozdrav programa
1037 UTC 93.4 Commercials, concert stadion Tuzla
1043 UTC 94.5 RADIO-F RDS
1046 UTC 87.9 I football Verona
1048 UTC 91.7=89.0 Gianna Gianna Gianna aveva un coccodrillo
1050 UTC 89.5 Maroon 5
1101 UTC 90.3 HNG news about recent research which says that children need quality time with father too…
1120 UTC 89.5 country music in Czech (Country Radio?)
1120 UTC 90.2 I ”misericordia” Radio Maria?
1610 UTC 91.7 Bulgarian ”narodna muzika”
1615 UTC 88.5 I
1642 UTC 89.0 ”You are listening to (fade-out)”. Radio ZU based on music style?
1725 UTC 88.5 Marx & Engels in French
1727 UTC 90.4 I
1729 UTC 90.3 F
1738 UTC 89.0 & 89.5 MX
1832 UTC 90.1 INTER -RDS =88.7/89.0
1833 UTC 91.2 Accordion music
Visual log of identified stations can be seen here!
Today brought also two new FM QSL’s. Nice e-mail in Serbian from Radio Vladimirci and look-a-like card from Fréquence 10, Dinan (22), France!