I’ve spent also the rest of the week with radio and forest activities. Surprisingly pretty good conditions to Asia on MW, usually it happens in autumn. Solomon Islands are logged last days in Finland during local sunrise. Pirate conditions (Europe/SW) have been normal, but the signals are very noisy and fastly fading. Parish radios (27-28 MHz) from Ireland and Northern Ireland have been heard in Finland for long time now. I try now to hear these stations too, but it’s very hard to identify. About the conditions other DXers have noticed that it has nothing to do with Sporadic E. Citizen band can be closed even CCIR is open to British Isles. Also the local differences are notable, the logic of skip seems to be similar with ES conditions: in Southern Finland you hear different stations compared with Inner Finland – now we have tested it with very short distance. Janne was tuning in Jyväskylä, while I was tuning here in Uurainen (30 kilometres to North) and we had totally different stations audible. There was no any clue of a station, what Janne reported to be strong, and opposite. The situation is similar during Sporadic E. What is the difference, 27 MHz skip is audible for longer time, but it fades out very quickly and totally. Not like ES. Together we managed to identify one of these stations, which was heard by Janne. In the end of mass luckily was audible a list of ”Rest in Peace” persons, the names fit perfectly to those of Blarney Parish. After that we easily recognized ”Blarney Church” mentioned in the announcements. I’m still looking for my first identified! But congrats to Janne!
QSL from a Dutch pirate Witte Tornado
More loggings:
1242 8.3. 1625 IRN: Radio Iran, Zanjan
1377 8.3. 1533 CHN: CNR Chungyang.
1386 6.3. 1526- IND: AIR Gwalior. Akashvani -ID and talks of Mumbai (Gwalior relays Western Service from Mumbai)
1413 6.3. 1529- MDA: Vesti FM, Grigoriopol. Activated probably because of the crise of Crimea. Also 1089 & 1215.
1431 6.3. 1536- IRN: Radio Iran, 2 tx’s.
1503 6.3. 1524- IRN: Radio Iran, Bushehr.
1616 8.3. 2210 HOL: Radio Barones, Ruurlo.
1629 8.3. 2200 HOL: Radio Calypso, Finsterwolde. Strongest on X band.
1640 8.3. 2305- HOL: Radio Aktief, Nijverdal (Ov.)
3995 5.3. 2120- D: Andenstimme, Weenermoor. Football results (relay from Radio ZP30, Paraguay!)
5910 7.3. -0700 AUT: TWR Moosbrunn. S/OFF.
6010 7.3. 0623 CLM: LV de tu Conciencia, Pto Lleras. No ID, time announcement.
6240 8.3. 2249 HOL: Radio Flying Dutchman, Doetinchem.
6268 3.3. 1904- HOL: Zender Ascona.
9545 7.3. 1924- SLM: SIBC Honiara. Good reception today, worse yesterday and a day before.
11975 9.3. 0700 D: AWR Nauen. Splashing to 11980.
11980 9.3. -0855 UKR: Dniprovskaya Khvylia, Zaporizhia. UR 1 relay//549 kHz. Seems impossible to get own ID.
11980 9.3. 0855- CHN: CRI Kunming. Sometimes UKR continues after 9 UTC..
QSL from HCJB Weenermoor. They send the first QSL for free also by air mail, and ask for the return postage for further QSL’s.