July 4th was a silent day till the evening. Ireland in some parts of Finland, later very short POL in Central Finland. A new-for-me station Radio Gra from Torun was heard on 88.8 MHz, 1123 km. Radio Gra has bought several local stations, but whole Radio Gra was later bought by RMF group. The local branches became a part of RMF Maxxx network, luckily this Torun-based main station remains ”independent”. Yesterday July 3rd offered only OIRT stations, weakly all day long (which I noticed just in the morning before leaving to work). On Sunday July 2nd we had a Balkan opening here in Inner Finland – I was again not in home, but enjoying the summer weekend in the biggest inland city of Northern Europe (if you don’t ask Danish people). It seems that we are going towards a better time, also the beginning of June offered this kind of poor openings which never really started but it led soon to some fantastic days. Hopefully the best moments will come again around half month (which would be the 28 day period).
A perfect example of a good verification for a FM reception report, in DACH countries they know how to do it:
And a new butterfly for this season: papilio machaon