Easy lazy day with occasional short French openings. In the morning to NW edge of l’Hexagone, then Paris region, and finally Marseille and thereabouts. Here’s the quick roundup of today’s crème de la crème (+ denotes a First in Finland, and local opt-outs count).
87.800 9.6. 1252- + F: Radio Star, Orange (84). Local ID
88.600 9.6. 1025- + F: Graffiti Urban Radio, La Roche-sur-Yon (85).
88.700 9.6. 1016- F: Nostalgie Charente Maritime, La Rochelle (17).
88.900 9.6. 1250- F: Delta FM Terre de Camargue, Le Grau-du-Roi (30).
89.000 9.6. 0523- F: RCF Finistère, Brest (29).
89.100 9.6. 1003- F: RTL2 Nord. Local ID.
89.400 9.6. 0658- D: NE-WS 89.4, Düsseldorf. MS! 1 kW only
90.400 9.6. 1016- F: Radio D4B, Melle (79).
90.600 9.6. 0957- F: R Bouton, Boutancourt (08).
91.100 9.6. 1004- F: Radio Intensité, Chateaudun (28).
91.300 9.6. 0843- F: Cherie FM, Paris. Local ID.
91.600 9.6. 0843- F: Cherie FM, Tours. Local ID.
93.600 9.6. 0844- F: R Béton, Tours. RDS ID with talks
95.500 9.6. 1005- F: RCF Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle.
96.300 9.6. 1005- F: Radio RPS FM.
Delta FM from Southern France was one of the highlights of the day.
The map of Europe on our wall with some wishful thinking as an appendix beyond the NW corner. Always be prepared!
JY with his arsenal. Big screens and tiny SDRs.
I might as well… Jump! An example of the plentiful meteors that crash in every minute. Radio NE-WS, Düsseldorf was a real knockout, as I was just fine-tuning my cables. (Sorry, there’s a bug in WP that seems to prevent me from turning this particular picture 90 deg).
À suivre (j’espère)…