P.P.P Pirate Hunt 2017 contest is over, this time only three pretty intensive days with bad or average conditions. Last time 5 days in row were a bit too much, they say! Some logs of the contest will be seen here. Thank you for all participants and keep the logs coming on till the deadline (end of April)! A special thanks for listeners who have promoted the event and of course to the stations. Some free radios have even promised a special QSL for this event!
Personal log for Monday 17-04-2017
6320 kHz 0730-1010 Radio Enterhaken, maybe a relay from Scandinavia
6285 kHz 1825- HOL: Radio Telstar International. s9++
1640 kHz -1900 RUS: UNID songs and announcement. Signing off at 19 UTC.
1670 kHz 1920 HOL: Speedy Gonzales (Mexicano)
Free QSL #212: Radio Piraña Internacional, South American QTH 6930 kHz (only 10 watts)
Free QSL #213: Radio Professor Sickbock, Vroomshoop (Ov.) 1640 kHz
Free QSL: Enterprise Radio, Italy 6310 kHz
Free QSL #214: EDMR European Music Radio, Nijmegen (Ge.) 4970 kHz