December has always been a great month for DX’ing, because of it’s long dust and dark time. The only negative argumentation for December must be the christmas lights in the gardens of neighbourhood, which are causing terrible interference on medium wave band. This year the MW band was almost blocked from 1.200 kHz to 1.450 kHz. Only some of the strongest signals were coming through the noise. The rest of the band was almost enjoyable to stay and lay. Even I had planned to concentrate in DX’ing, suddenly I got a call and had a job offer. The decision to answer ”yes” seemed to be correct, because the transatlantic conditions were absolutely bad during the daytime. Eh there was hardly any yankee station neither in the mornings…
Europe (incl. British Isles and Iberia)
Traditional christmas day pirates were very few, probably because of the extremely weak conditions.. I can only remember the full 48 meter band in 2005. Oh these were the days! Well my personal dream stations are not located thousands of kilometres away – on the beach of Hawaii or Tahiti. It can be also some hundreds away on the rocky and icy coast eheh! NRK Ingoy 153 kHz has been written down on my catch list since 2000, when it started it’s operation. During the christmas I was lucky to hear Deutschlandfunk, Romania and Russia on the frequency besides of NRK P1 network – but already in January the station was very well audible with local programme! On 999 there was no COPE Madrid – which I have never reported, boh.. It’s easy to think well this station is audible also tomorrow. The frequency is open till 0600 UTC, when the strong ”Moscow” is starting the day.
153 3/1 NOR: NRK Finnmark, Ingoy. Local programming.
603 11/12 D: Oldiestar, Zehlendorf. Audible for 5 minutes before Romania made a comeback.
603 18/12 D: Oldiestar, Zehlendorf.
657 11/12 RUS: Radio Rossii.
666 21/12 D: SWR Cont. Ra. Relaying MDR Info at the nighttime
738 21/12 RUS: Polskie Radio via WRN Relay, Moscow. In Russian, @ 0445 Radio ”Iponi”?
765 12/12 SUI: Option Musique, Sottens.
864 11/12 F: France Bleu, Paris.
1062 22/12 CZE: Country Radio, Prague.
1287 11/12 E: Cadena SER. Mysterious and unlisted SER Radio Cadena here, I’m just wondering where on Earth is located the city of Cadena! 😉
1440 09/12 RUS: Radio Zvezda, St. Petersburg.
1458 20/12 G: Sunrise Radio, London.
1476 21/12 E: Euskadi Irratia. Stronger than 1386.
1566 21/12 G: County Sound Radio, Guildford.
3900 18/12 HOL: Spaceman, Ruurlo.
4015 26/12 Laser Hot Hits, unid qth.
4016 29/12 Laser Hot Hits, unid qth. A part of an antenna test!
4065 26/12 D: Radio Supersound, unid qth. Logged as german. UNID’s @ 3905 & 4035 kHz.
5820 18/12 HOL: Orion Radio Nederland, Elburg.
5820 25/12 HOL: Orion Radio Nederland, Elburg. ”Feliz Navidad”. Another station on 6210.
6205 25/12 FIN: Spaceshuttle Radio Scandinavia. Continued here after 6265 and 6220.
6210 26/12 Laser Hot Hits, unid qth.
6220 25/12 FIN: Spaceshuttle Radio Scandinavia. Came from 6265 to here for a while.
6265 25/12 FIN: Spaceshuttle Radio International. ”Spaceshuttle Radio Scandinavia, the music makes the difference” was heard all day long. A lot of Marja Tyrni songs.
6293 26/12 Tentative Free Radio Victoria. Logged here in Europe. Cassette still ”under construction”
6305 26/12 HOL: Marconi Radio, Weiteveen.
6308 25/12 HOL: Marconi Radio, Weiteveen.
Old World
1314 18/12 IRN: Radio Iran.
1566 23/12 BEN: Trans World Radio, Parakou. Closing down @ 0600 UTC.
4760 18/12 SWZ: Trans World Radio Swaziland, Manzini.
4835 18/12 IND: All India Radio, Gangtok.
4880 18/12 AFS: SW Radio Africa, Meyerton.
Northern Territory’s 90mb stations (2310, 2325, 2485) were audible on December 18th, but there was not even a whisper from Radio Symban on 2368,5 kHz.
Just wondering if there will happen anything on AM band in January 9, 2011. That’s exactly 28 days after the best ever yankee station reception conditions what I have ever meet travelling around the world by radio. Otherwise the band was ”normal”, what means same as ”boring”. Several mornings there was a ghost signals on 1560 and 1570 when I was leaving home and going to work. However several mornings there were not even these ghost signals. The enjoyable mornings were very few, (probably because I was forced to leave too early). However the new year 2011 had the best possible start with a colombian network, new for me.
1290 13/12 VEN: Radio Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello.
1510 12/12 USA: KCKK, Littleton CO.
1540 12/12 CAN: CHIN, Toronto ON.
1560 12/12 USA: KKAA, Aberdeen SD. ”Family Radio”
1560 18/12 USA: WQEW, New York NY. ”Radio Disney”. 1570 French speaker must be Laval.
1560 23/12 USA: WQEW, New York NY. ”Radio Disney”
1560 01/01 CLM: RCN La Cariñosa, Tuluà. Surprisingly ”RCN la radio” when passing by. Jingles over music sounded similar compared with La Cariñosa webstream.
1570 12/12 CAN: CKMW, Winkler MB. ”Country 15-70 CKMW”.
1570 12/12 MEX: XERF La Poderosa, Ciudad Acuña.
1570 23/12 CAN: CFAV, Laval QC. ”Vous ecoutez…AM Laval..”
5755 19/12 USA: WTWW, TN. Scriptures for America with pastor Peter Peters.
735 21/12 KW
1285 13/12 SW
1290 13/12 XX