549 28.12. 0311 D: DLF Nordkirchen/Thurnau. Transmissions will be ceased 31122015.
549 28.12. 0315 ARS: Radio Riad. 4 tx’s.
765 27.12. 0455 UKR: Radio Mayak, Petrivka.
1098 27.12. 0500 SVK: Radio Patria, Nitra (presumed). Programmes in Hungarian.
1580 25.12. 0530 CLM: Verdad Radio, Bogotá. Played songs matched with webstream, muddy ID.
1611 25.12. 2152 HOL: UNID Queen ”Thank God It’s Christmas”
1611 26.12. 0000 GRC: Radio Anatolia, Kilkis. Announced tel. no. sounded to be for this station.
1620 25.12. 2153 GRC: UNID
1625 25.12. 2240 HOL: Turftrekker, Ede (Ge.).
1630 25.12. 2212 HOL: Zender Napoleon. ID tähän aikaan.
1638 25.12. 2045 HOL: Radio Schaduwjager, Hoogeveen (Dr.).
1638 25.12. 2325 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. ID tähän aikaan.
1647 25.12. 2340 HOL: Radio Barcelona, Twente (Ov.). ID tähän aikaan.
1657 25.12. 2115a UNID. Maybe RUS?
3975 26.12. 1315 S: Radio Nord Revival, Sala. ID //6060 kHz.
4010 30.12. 1442 KGZ: Birinchi Radio, Bishkek.
4765 27.12. 0402 CUB: Radio Progreso, Quivicán.
4765 30.12. 1650 TJK: Radioi Tojikiston, Dushanbe.
4875 29.12. 0345 B: Rádio Roraima, Boa Vista.
4895 29.12. 0358 B: Rádio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande (presumed). For the 1st time very weak signal, religious mx.
4996 28.12. 1709 RUS: RWM, Moscow. CW-ID.
5030 28.12. 1630 HOL: Sluwe Vos Radio. From Friesland. Exotic tropical band frequency.
5040 27.12. 0428 CUB: Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta.
5910 25.12. 0430 LTU: NHK World, Sitkunai. From Spanish into Russian this time.
6000 28.12. 0525 CUB: Radio Habana Cuba, Quivicán. In English Mailbag plus and Weekly review.
6060 26.12. 1120 S: Radio Nord Revival, Sala. Not on 5940 as announced!
6215 25.12. 1605 G: Bogusman (presumed). ”Talk format pirate radio”
6230 25.12. 1546 HOL: Radio Casanova, Winterswijk (Ov.). ”Son of my father”
6255 24.12. 1612- Radio Rainbow. Country not known.
6260 26.12. 1426 UNID rock music. Mode AM till 1535 UTC, then USB and soon AM again.
6265 24.12. 1600- HOL: Mike Radio (presumed). Piti ruokatauon ja palasi ääneen sitten.
6268 25.12. 1543 UNID mx.
6281 24.12. 1605- HOL: Johnny Tobacco. Kuulosti kovasti samalta kuin Black Bandit/Abu Dhabi.
6281 25.12. 0755 UNID playing Winter Wonderland.
6282 25.12. 1540 HOL: Radio Zwarte Panter (presumed).
6285 30.12. 1645 HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.) (presumed). Thanked in chat, only music heard.
6287 25.12. 1557 UNID mx.
6292 26.12. -1532 UNID popcorn etc. Transmitting more than an hour, closing without ID. Teasing!
6295 26.12. -0658 HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.) (presumed).
6295 26.12. 0713- HOL: Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.) http://www.radioverona.nl/
6295 28.12. 1700 UNID. Only teasing nonstop music few hours, no ID. Carrie by Europe etc.
6300 25.12. 2140 HOL: Cupid Radio. Parhaimmillaan s7.
6305 24.12. 1600- D: Radio Marabu (presumed). Saksaa ja musiikkia, jouluisin yleensä maratonilla.
6305 30.12. 1503 HOL: Radio Telstar International.
6317 26.12. 1640 UNID. Only music.
6319 25.12. 1558 CZE: Radio Goofy (presumed). Closing down soon. No ID but thanked in chat.
6327 24.12. 1637- HOL: Radio Titanic, Borculo (presumed).
6385 26.12. 1550 HOL: De Witte Reus (presumed). Too much noise and low modulation to identify.
6395 24.12. 1640- G: Little Feat Radio, Leicester. Osuihan se tämäkin lopulta korviin!
6400 26.12. 1445 G: Radio Blackbeard. Lähetti myös 1611:lla ja netissä.
6735 24.12. 1705 HOL: Pioneer AM (presumed). Ilmeisesti rotterdamilaisasema.
6980 26.12. 1145 FIN: Baltic Sea Radio. LSB mode. ID ja lokkitunnari.
9765 26.12. 0945 NZL: Radio New Zealand, Rangitaiki. Distance 16760 km, nice s9+20dB.
QSL from the Netherlands: Radio Schaduwjager, Hoogeveen (Dr.) seems to be same station than Radio Shadowman on short wave, so not a ”new” station, but still a nice item to add to collection!
#95 Pirate QSL from the Netherlands, Radio Verona, Wijhe (Ov.). Quick answer after I finally found working e-mail. Based on the address, Radio Verona must be an alias for Radio Dakota
QSL from England: LFR – LittleFeat Radio, Leicester 6395 kHz – verified pirate station #166!