During August there were still some nice ES openings, and in the beginning of September also good tropos. Unfortunately I’ve lost them since I’ve been most of the time outside Finland – in Hungary and Portugal, and also visiting quickly in Germany and Slovakia. Now it’s time to get back into daily life, studies have begun and so has begun QSL hunting and manic reporting in the evening time. In the beginning of this summer season I decided to get 100 FM QSL’s. Now they are 128, so I’m looking for 200 till the end of year. That’s a good motivator to check old recordings and to report even RAI’s and BBC’s! Another aim for the rest of the year is to verify the BC country # 130. The QSL of Radio Hargeisa, which I heard on 1st of Sept. bring just country # 129.
During the Summer University in Hungary we had also enough free time for other purposes. I visited Class FM, since it’s the only Hungarian FM station, which does not react to my reports. After looking for a while I found a building without any sign. Friendly people outside told me that Radio Class FM is operating just in that building. When I tried to explain my aim to safeguards, the Sunday DJ passed by in a right moment and asked me to enter to the studio, when he heard that I come from Finland. Even the station is huge and national, it operates from a little studio with an office room next to it and that’s all. Sometimes ”big stations” are not huge. The DJ was working alone and it was a real pleasure that he found 5 minutes to show places. Unfortunately he had no time to write a QSL.. maybe next time!

In Portugal EDXC visitors have seen the headquarters of RTP and Radio Renascenca channels (RR, RFM, Radio Sim, Megahits), both located in Lisbon. Besides of that, we visited a little local station Radio Foz do Mondego. The director remembered one FM report from the Netherlands.