First WhatsApp alert came already around 9.00 local time from TV Voice on 65.75 MHz, but conditions didn’t start yet. After full 7 hours work day next alert came during my way home, and made me push gas pedal a bit deeper. It took some time to open the rx, because a (wanted) guest arrived to dacha just a bit after me, bringing a bike I bought.
Finally to the balcony, a fading OIRT opening offered many GTRK stations during the regional window 1510-1559 UTC, with shorter skip to Belarus. After 16 UTC another opening started suddenly bringing stations from Benelux and nearby, unfortunately it was very short.. Today’s personal log can be found here. 48 logs so far are an average start for this season!
Today’s highlights:
Radio Latina 101.2 MHz (LUX) broadcasting in Portuguese(!)
A new-for-me GTRK station ”Chuvash Radio”