Late evening conditions to British Isles. Mostly BBC 2 and 3 transmitters, tentatively also RTÉ. Highest noted 92.7. Earlier Janne received BBC, HR3 and some French too. I slept the morning conditions on 22 Jun. Janne was working but found delta radio from Germany 96.5 on his recording. Maybe it was kinda good opening, eh! This June seems to be ”usual” after pair of good Junes. The best openings go to Southern/South-Western Finland and the skip doesn’t reach Central Finland properly. 2013-2014 seasons anyway treated us a way better.
Few pics of received QSL’s will follow.
Europa Plus Kurganinsk QSL. Google Translate says: ”Hi! how is it possible? we just 100W overall depth of 24 m. the way to record the voice of my wife. The antenna is on the outskirts of our town we’re in the middle can not catch, and you are in Finland ”
QSL TRT Nağme, transmitted from Zonguldak, North Coast of Turkey on 87.8 FM. Distance 2386 km. Thank you Demet for translation: ”They say its difficult to hear or to listen it but they are sure the records are from TRT Nagme. Best wishes/Greetings”